Friday, July 13, 2012

Week 8: June 12th-14th
Every family can have a crisis. Some crisis can be more dire than others, but every family can and will have them. Some crisis can tear a family apart, but others bring families closer together.
Luckily, there is a Family Situation Model which one can look at and see how they had applied it toward their crisis.
+  C
A is for Actual Event. B is for Behavioral Response. C is for Cognitions (thoughts). X is for eXperience.
The event, the response, and the thoughts all add up for the experience and what you take from it.
I think back on some situations that my family has gone through, sometimes our responses weren't the best and it greatly effected our experience and what we took from it. We would have a negative take on everything that happened, but sometimes our experiences would bring my family closer together. I for one am now grateful when things come up, so that I might be able to grow with my family but also closer to my Heavenly Father.

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