Friday, July 13, 2012

Week 10
Work in the family is so important.
I believe that work within the family draws them closer together and creates atmospheres of love.
I always look at my Great Grandma and Great Grandpa as a wonderful example as working together as a family. My Grandpa was a farmer, and like every other farmer he would wake up early and go work. And when he did that my Grandma would wake up and work right next to him in the fields along with their children. My Grandpa and Grandma worked side by side their whole lives, and I have never seen so much love and care between two people. My Grandma and Grandpa have passed on, but many of Cousins and Aunts and Uncles memories were working out in the fields and farm with our Grandpa and Grandma.
It makes me sad that these chances and opprotunities to work together as a family has slowly diminished. So I hope I can find opprotunites where my family can work together, and my prosterity can look back and have fond and loving memories of working together and loving each other.
Week 9: June 19th-21st
We have been given a great tool to use when it comes to making decisions with a spouse and it is call the Council Method. There are steps to the council method that help make decisions, and the best part is that Heavenly Father helps in this decision.
The first part of the Council Method is to have a set, regular time to meet with your spouse (once a week or whenever you and your spouse feel it is comfortable), and also a special place where the two of you can meet privately. Also before the council starts, have an agenda on what is going to be discussed. This way, you can stay on topic but also for the previous time before the council starts, is think about what is going to be discussed.
So with that layout, when you meet you start of the meeting with Loving Words and also Words of Encouragement. By opening with this, the Spirit is invited to be with you and also there will be love and tenderness in the air that can stifle contention.
The next step is to Open With A Prayer. By opening with a prayer, you and your spouse can invite the spirit further to be with you in your decisions.
After opening with a prayer, then comes the discussion of the things on the agenda. Now this isn't a debate between you and your spouse. Each person has the opprotunity to say what is on their mind and how they feel, and you discuss the topic. You don't discuss it till there is a compromise, but you discuss it till you both feel that the decision made is in Consensus to Heavenly Father's Will. I know that Heavenly Father knows what is right for us, and He wants to help us so badly and all we have to do is be humble enough to let Him.
After the agenda is through, Close With A Prayer. By closing with a prayer, you show your gratefulness to Heavenly Father for helping you in your decisions.
Afterwards, have refreshments. This is just another step in the method where you can relax and show love and gratefulness to each other.
Week 8: June 12th-14th
Every family can have a crisis. Some crisis can be more dire than others, but every family can and will have them. Some crisis can tear a family apart, but others bring families closer together.
Luckily, there is a Family Situation Model which one can look at and see how they had applied it toward their crisis.
+  C
A is for Actual Event. B is for Behavioral Response. C is for Cognitions (thoughts). X is for eXperience.
The event, the response, and the thoughts all add up for the experience and what you take from it.
I think back on some situations that my family has gone through, sometimes our responses weren't the best and it greatly effected our experience and what we took from it. We would have a negative take on everything that happened, but sometimes our experiences would bring my family closer together. I for one am now grateful when things come up, so that I might be able to grow with my family but also closer to my Heavenly Father.
Week 6: May 29th- June 1st
I really enjoyed what we talked about during this week of class! It was about things I have thought about quiet often; boundries to form and what to do when the first child is born in a family.
I am shocked to hear how controversial this topic is, but after discussing it in class I understand why. The topic of who should be in the delivery room when a child is born into a family. I have always thought, just because it is how it has always been done in my family, that my mom and by husband's mom in the delivery room. But when I have a baby, it should just be me and my husband. And I guess I can have some doctors and nurses in there. But family wise, just me and my husband. The birth of a child is a special moment that should just be shared between husband and wife. Not only is it a bonding moment for the new baby to its mom and dad, but a special, intimate bonding moment for the husband and wife too.
Now I just have the challenge of telling my mom that.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Week 5: May 22nd-24th
I think it is so important to have a friendship with a person before starting a serious relationship. Love kind of comes and goes, but friendship is the base and foundation in a relationship and supports the relationship when love can falter.
That is why I am so wary and sometimes afraid when it comes to finding a relationship at BYU Idaho.
The best relationship that I had been in was with a young man that I had known since 7th grade. We were only friends then, and as we went through middle school and then high school we became really good friends. After high school graduation, he asked me out on a date. It went off really good and we were in a very nice relationship till he left for his mission. I think that relationship was so good because we did have that foundation of friendship. What makes me so worried about dating at BYU Idaho is that many people seem to rush into marriarge and they don't really get to start into that mode of friendship. There should be no such thing as being stuck in the friendship zone! That is when you really get to know someone the most is as their friend.
Some people say they fall in love at first sight, but I believe becoming friends first is more romantic than falling head over heels with each other first.
Week 4: May 14th-18th
The area I am from tends to be very liberal. There are Gay Pride Parades all the time, and if you are against Gay Marriage you are labeled a horrible person that is going to burn in heck. I have never really known how to react when people attack me for my beliefs and I have never known how to explain it myself.
Is there such a thing as Gay? Are people really born Gay? I have quiet a few friends who call themselves Gay and they are good people, so why would they be born as something that is condemning in the eyes of our Heavenly Father?
In class we discussed that no one is born Gay. No one is Gay. A person can just suffer from Same Sex Attraction. When someone suffers from same sex attraction, they are not a bad person. It is only a sin if they act on those temptations, it isn't a sin to have those temptations and feelings.
Even though I am confident in what I know now, I am not sure how I would explain it to people back in my home state or even to my friends that suffer from same sex attraction. 
Week 3: May 8th-10th
This weeks main discussion in class was Diversities in Families. I have always known that every family is different, and there is really no way that two different families can be the same. Diversity in families can come because of many situations; there are single-parent families, different ethnic families such as Hispanic, Asian, African-American, there are interracial families, and families with same-sex parents.
I loved learning about how different cultures and backgrounds raise children and interact with each other.
I have seen many articles on line whether or not same sex parents are worse off for children than children in a traditional family setting. I personally believe and know that marriage is between a man and a woman, and that every child has the right to be born into that family. But I don't like to pass bad judgement, I feel that anyone can be a good parent. But there are some situations with adopted children to same sex parents that bothers me. I heard of one story where a same sex couple adopted a boy as a little child, and gave him estrogen pills so that when he was older he could choose whether he wanted to be a boy or a girl. To me this is wrong on so many levels, and a reason why same sex couples shouldn't receive priority on adoption over traditional families.