Friday, May 4, 2012

I was thinking about my families rules for an assignment, and I realized that almost every rule that was given to me as a child helped shape my values and morals I have today.
I was always supposed to be polite, courteous, and respectful to everyone. I remember some cousins would call my dad "Jeff" or my Aunt Becky "Becky". I tried that once, learned it was disrespectful, and I never tried it again. I learned it was respectful for me to call my Aunts 'Aunts' and my Uncles 'Uncles'.  I learned to always use the proper term for everyone to show my respect.
Some rules that we had also taught me hard work ethic and punctuality. "If you aren't early, you are late" is an unsaid motto in my family's household. As good as this value is, I still get very weird looks when I am on time to a party.
Rules are very important to a Family System, there needs to be those boundries and guidelines. Our Heavenly Father gave us rules and guidelines too. Rules have a great purpose to families.