Friday, April 27, 2012

Trends and Populations

The trends that are out there in this world now are definitely changing what the traditional family used to be.
The Trends include:
  • Premarital Sex
  • Cohabitation
  • Delaying of Marriage
  • Increase of Births to Unmarried Women
  • Declining Birth Rates
  • Increase of Mothers in the Workforce 
In my Family Relations class, we discussed these trends and were asked on a scale how critical we thought each trend was. I feel that each of these trends are at a critical level, but the trend that became the most alarming to me this week was the Declining Birth Rates.

For a homework assignment, we were asked to watch a documentary called "THE NEW ECONOMIC REALITY: DEMOGRAPHIC WINTER". This documentary focused on the world's declining birth rate and how dangerous it will pose in the future if not handled. Many people believe that the world is over populated and that this population is hurting our earth. So when these people hear that the population is decreasing, they are not aware that a decrease in births will hurt us economically. The documentary poses us a challenge. We should re-establish the traditional family, so that we can support our past generations, our present generations, and our future generations.

I personally believe that our Heavenly Father gave us this earth to replenish and populate. It isn't our population that is hurting the resources given us by our Heavenly Feather, it is how we chose to use them. Families are important, and the secular world is trying to take that away.

Friday, April 20, 2012

After the first week of class, I am really looking forward to the semester to learn more about Families and to help them grow together.